Mr. Ram Kumar has been appointed as the Administrator of AVIOM India Housing Finance Private Limited under Section 45-IE (2) of the RBI Act with effect from January 27, 2025.


Fair Practices Code

This Code has been formulated by AVIOM India Housing Finance Pvt. Ltd, the "company" and is based on the AVIOM Values. It is also in pursuant to the Guidelines issued by the National Housing Bank ("NHB") on Fair Practices Code for Housing Finance Companies vide its circular NHB/ND/DRS/Pol-No.16/2006 dated September 05, 2006, further revised by its circulars NHB/ND/DRS/Pol-No.34/2010-11, NHB (ND)/DRS/Pol-No.38/4673/2010-11 and NHB (ND)/DRS/CRCELL/A-2940/2018.

KYC & AML Measures Preamble

KYC procedures enable the Company to know/understand their customers and their financial dealings better which in turn help them manage their risks prudently and prevent the Companies from being used, intentionally or unintentionally, by criminal elements for money laundering activities. This policy has also been framed keeping in mind various guidelines and circulars issued by National Housing Bank from time to time.

Grievance Redressal

Interest Rate Policy

Annual Percentage Rate

Moratorium Policy

Corporate Governance Policy

Privacy Policy

Related Party Policy

HR Policy

Information on Rate of Interest

Gradation of Risk

Interest Rate Range of Contracted Loans for the Past Quarter

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Code of Fair Disclosure

Code of Conduct for PIT

Vigil Mechanism Policy

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