We are a housing finance company catering to low-income households in semi-urban areas.
We provide housing loans to individuals for home improvements, renovations, and sanitation. We provides loans to women borrowers who do not have any formal income documentation.
AVIOM works towards empowering women and providing them financial independence.
Our values form the core of all that we do and guide us to keep our customers at the front always.
At AVIOM, our philosophy, intent and processes are focused on creating a refreshing customer experience, again and again.
To be able to look at things, and do them differently. We continuously seek to innovate models, processes, tools and transactions to stay ahead of the curve.
Integrity forms the bed rock of all our relationships, internal as well as external. We feel integrity is the key driver of trust and transparency in business and otherwise.
Mutual respect is one of the cornerstones of our core business philosophy. Be it our employees, customers, suppliers or industry stakeholders, we are committed to conducting all transactions with respect and honour.
Simplicity is what we strive to achieve at AVIOM. Our endeavor is to completely un-complicate the process of home loan buying for home loan buyers by enabling technology and cutting red tape at all transaction points.
AVIOM is led by a team of highly skilled and enthusiastic individuals with a goal of constant learning and adapting to the evolving industry landscape.
Chief Sales Officer
Chief Vigilance & Operations Officer
Chief Credit & Risk Officer
Chief Human Resource Officer
Chief Collection Officer
Chief Technology Officer
HR & Training
Chief Compliance officer
& Company Secretary